Saturday, May 16, 2015

Looking Back - Photo of the Day #3

When I was a kid, I used to have frequent nightmares that would cause me to wake up screaming. I don't know if the nighttime terrors were caused through some physical or emotional problems, but I was usually one tired little boy.
One of the most frightening dreams was of mannequins who hung out in our kitchen and wanted to turn me into a mannequin as well. They would laugh an evil laughter when I would tell them I didn't want to be a mannequin.
It's been years since I've had any of these dreams, but I still remember them in vivid detail. As you can probably imagine, mannequins tend to creep me out -- especially ones that are realistic. Some people may have thought the movie "Mannequin" was a light-hearted romantic comedy. Far from it, it was a horror movie.
Lately, some of the hipper clothing stores have been using mannequins that are hyper-real except for the faces. Look at this photo, there are no faces, but the fingernails on the hands look real. The figure in front shows the neck ligature of a girl with her head turned.
I'm starting to reconsider my fearful dreams -- maybe instead of wanting me to become a mannequin, those that haunted me were actually trapped souls that wanted me to free them.
Regardless, it's still kind of creepy.

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